Our COVID-19 Statement & Staff Guidance

We have compiled this COVID-19 Staff Guidance document as we have returned to work this week. This return will be different and is likely to remain that way for up to 12 months.

In conjunction with our H & S advisors, we have carried out a risk assessment of our operations. From this, we have made revisions where necessary to our safe systems of work. This will enable us to comply with the latest site operating procedures issued by the Construction Leadership Council.

The new measures will impact upon the time it takes to carry out certain tasks. This will be true particularly while we all become familiar with an altered way of working. We will also be reliant upon the cooperation of other site staff. For this reason, we have written to all clients to make them aware of these new operating procedures and to request their compliance.

Although this set of guidance looks extensive, much of it is repeating the same thing:

  • Maintain social distancing where possible
  • Apply additional measures when it isn’t
  • Practice thorough and regular hand washing or sanitising.

We will keep monitoring and updating these measures and welcome any suggestions from you.

Finally, you have our full support when it comes to applying these measures on site. You reserve the right to halt work or refuse to carry out any task if you have a genuine concern for your wellbeing.

Read our full COVID 19 Staff Guidance and Employee Guidelines Here

Contact Us

For more information or advice,
please give us a call on 01427 668458 or fill out our contact form:

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